ある日見かけたバイク整備士のおじさんのワークキャップに心惹かれたのが開発のきっかけ。なんせ仕事で使うので、洗ったらすぐ乾いて欲しい。それにずれないよう適度なフィット感も欲しい・・。 頭のてっぺんに取付けられたループによって傘のように乾かすことで速乾性を高め、汗止めテープをそのままサイズ調整紐として利用。構成パーツを少なくすることで、水溜まりを極力減らした事も乾きやすい要因。
One day it is an opportunity of the development that it was attracted by the cap of the motorcycle mechanic whom I saw.
Because I use it by work, I want you to dry as soon as you washed it.In addition, a feeling of fitting that is moderate not to slip off is necessary.I raise quick-drying by drying it like an umbrella and use stopping up the flow of sweat tape as restrictions in coordination with the same size.It is the factor that is easy to dry to have reduced a puddle as much as possible by reducing parts.
S 内回り58cm(多少の誤差はございます)
M 内回り62cm(多少の誤差はございます)
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